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Gesture 1 - Opening Light - CHARLOTTE JONCKHEER BY BRUT Collective

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Gesture 1 - Opening Light - CHARLOTTE JONCKHEER


Within the unconstrained ease of an everyday gesture a poetic quality may be concealed. Imagine, for instance, a still darkened room in which a hand gently moves towards the curtain. Envision how that hand slowly pushes the textile aside, allowing the daylight behind it to gradually seep in. Now see how the light at first takes the form of a stripe, condensed and intense, but soon expands and spreads, eventually fills the entire room. A situation which, determined by the serene interplay between movement and circumstances, was above all the inspiration from which Charlotte Jonckheer conceived this creation. A luminous object that only reveals its full qualities when it is operated; in interaction with the user and the environment. A lamp which is more than just a lamp, turns out to be an instrument that, beyond its function, aims at the emotional capacity of a space.
Inside a solid and opaque entity of sculpted Belgian bluestone, lined with aluminium, a light well is installed, dormant and available. However, that light only becomes visible when the embedded and reflective stick is withdrawn. A required action which, furthermore, determines the intensity of the light and, as such, radically unites the subject and the object.

Limited Edition of 12 (+2AP)


in / 59H x 20D
cm / 150H x 50D

Materials Aluminum | Metal | Stone

€ 8.500,00 EUR ex. VAT



BRUT Collective


Bram Vanderbeke (b.1991), lives and works in Ghent, and graduated in 2016 from the Design Academy Eindhoven. His work is diverse, and has a sculptural and monumental form of language. Bram explores and reforms relationships between object, environment and user, and plays with materials, form and functionality. His objects are artistic manifestations in which their functionality is not delineated.

Ben Storms (b.1983) lives and works in Antwerp. Thinking in terms of matter, he tends to assemble form, material and technique in a way that is both innovative and compelling. Ben prefers to start with one material and then look at it without prejudice. His research is similarly uninhibited, ensuring he captures all the possibilities the material has to offer. By probing its boundaries to and beyond the limits, he creates a rather surprising language of form.

Charlotte Jonckheer (b.1988) works on various design projects with flexible partnerships. Her main focus is the emotional value sparked by the use of a design object. Inspired by nature and human behaviour, she plays with anticipation and familiarisation to create designs that intrigue their user and activate interaction.

Linde Freya Tangelder (b.1987) is originally from the Netherlands but is based in Brussels with her studio, destroyers/builders. With a focus on materiality, the studio strives for sensory relevance and cultural value in detail and on a larger scale. Her works have a sculptural and architectural character and are on the edge of contemporary material use and traditional crafts. Working with a wide range of materials – high and low-valued – new values arise. Linde Freya develops objects and projects, based on a method from where material and objects can grow into architectural interventions. She opens up traditional usage and transforms knowledge into new ways of bringing an object closer to our senses. The studio takes on projects that range from limited editions to commissioned projects.

Nel Verbeke (b.1989) lives and works in Brussels. With a background in visual art and a specialisation in design and design research, Nel is primarily a concept designer. Balancing between arts and design, her vocation will always be the emotional potential of shape and space. Fascinated by conceptual thinking, she shies away from the obvious focus.

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